Title: An eco-system for adaptive e-learning
Authors: Dusan Veljkovic, Qficient, Inc.; Boban Nikolic, IRVAS International d.o.o.; Marko Dinić, IRVAS International d.o.o.; Nikola Stevanović, Qficient, Inc.
Venue: The Third International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2012), 27-28 September 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract: In order to solve the issue of providing a total solution for the adaptive e-learning, an institution has to face more than one challenge. Firstly it is necessary to develop a plan based on pedagogy and instructional methodology of the adequate course content creation. The next, institution must have an efficient assessment system, established rules for the sequencing and navigation, and a method of delivering content to its students. In addition, software tools and technical platforms have to be put in place. QDITA for e-learning offers a total solution eco-system capable of responding to the current requirements for adaptivity in education. In this paper , the main features of the QDITA eco-system will be detailed, starting from the high-level landscape, all the way through to the scalable architecture for content creation and the affordable technical platform to support this solution. Additionally, key concepts of reusability through the reusable Registry, customized Learning Object (LO), digital library, and the union between the DITA and SCORM standards, will be explained. Extension into the domain of mobile e learning will be drafted as well.